
What is the utility and benefit of making employer's liability insurance compulsory?

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what are the benefits of making employer's liabilty insurance compulsory? I am gathering ideas for a discussion




  1. What happens when you have to pay more for something, like milk?

    When prices go up, your options go down.

    If an employer must pay more for hiring a person, then that employer may certainly refuse to hire another person.  

    No business owner will be able to remain in the business of helping customers if the cost of helping people is too high.

    The utility of raising prices on businesses?  Great for putting more people on the welfare rolls.  Then the political leaders can obtain th benefit of being re-elected.

    Another major benefit to corrupt political leaders is this:

    By mandating something that people could otherwise freely choose,  capitalism can be curtailed a little.  Socialism can be advanced a little.  

    With the advent of such a totalitarian law, liberty will be decreased.  Democrats will cheer.

  2. OK, I can't really see any utility and benefit to it.

    No state makes it mandatory now - although most states (but not all) have it packaged with Workers Compensation, which IS mandatory in all states except TX.

    But as long as Workers Comp is mandatory, there isn't as much EL exposure - it should be treated as part of the entire risk management program for a business, like any other hazard exposure.

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