
What is the value of a KH103M X1Y2 blue ceramic capacitor?

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Ok here's a picture.




  1. it IS 10000pF which is 10nF or 0.01uF

    also worth noting.

    If you need to replace this cap, then you MUST use a X1Y2 cap these are specifically designed for mains input use perticully in an emc filter. and are designed to fail in a safe condition and not short out you could also use x1y1 which are better... but more expensive anfd only worth doing so if you cant get hold of the other ones

  2. 103 probably indicates a 0.01 uF value, but without seeing the capacitor I cannot be 100% certain.  I am 95% certain it is a 0.01 uF.


  3. There's always a fair amount of uncertainty in trying to read capacitor values from the numbers on the housing.

    I believe that it goes something like this: 103M,

    10,000.0 than count to the right six places (mfd).

    0.010000 mfd; thus, a 0.01 mfd capacitor.

    I just checked a 104M with my RLC meter. It read, 0.1 mfd.

    So, 10,0000 x 1.0^-6 gives, 0.1 mfd.

    Hope that helps

    Yes, I just checked this with an example from the text: Practical Electronics For Inventors, 2nd. edition, by Paul Scherz, ISBN: -13-978-0-07-145281-6,

    page 354

    The example given was 474M which is a 0.47 mfd capacitor.

    470000 x 10^-6 = 0.47 mfd

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