
What is the value of art?

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I'm working on my philosophy final project, which is "What is Art?" I must include 3 subtopics, each with a historical view and my view. My subtopics are:

1. What is the function of art?

2. What is the value of art?

3. Who decides what is art?

I'm good on 1 and 3, but I can't seem to find anything on the value of art. Google thinks value means money, perhaps merit is a better word...

Can you name any philosophers that wrote about the value of art?

Or, suggest a different subtopic!




  1. You might want to read this apostolic letter written by Pope John Paul II to artists. When I read it I understood not only the value but the responsability that all artists have when they do their work and present it to the world.

  2. the value of art can be measured in many ways

    its economic value determined by its demand in the market

    its cultural value determined by how strongly it represents it origins

    its material value - gold statue is more valuable than wooden sculpture

    archeological value determined by its age and location in connection with its period

    etc., etc.,


  3. You might re-phrase the second question/subtopic.

    Ask yourself: "how is art different from craftsmanship"?

    A craftsman, by definition, works hard to make something right. A carpenter may work hard at getting the floor joists level; a newspaper columnist at crafting an apt concise description of a social event; an engineer at drawing up the blueprints for a bridge, etc.

    We don't usually refer to such activities as art, even though we may admire the dedication and skill in a particular instance.

    So under the "value" of art, ask yourself: what is it especially that a sculptor is doing that the carpenter isn't? that a poet is doing but the society columnist isn't? that an architect is doing but the civil engineer isn't?

    You might come to either of two broadf conclusions. Either the answer is "nothing," in which case art is simply a fancy name we give to craftsmanship sometimes, or the answer is "something special," in which case that something special is the value of art.  

    Good luck.  

  4. The value and the function should be connected. Whatever is created by the function would be the value. If this answer isn't good enough, go look at the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer.  

  5. Art is something you can place any value to but is most controvercial to others.

  6. As for the value of could go from the 'creativity' and 'personal expression' angle......the psychological, existential angle.....if you know what I mean. Or the 'social value' would be another angle. What social value does art provide in life?, along those lines!  

  7. The domains of philosophy and art intervene between the nonreligious and the religious activities of the human self.  Art is poitry of the soul. Art is appealing beauty. Man's moral nature would be impotent without the art of measurement, the discrimination embodied in his ability to scrutinize meaning. The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.

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