
What is the value of early screening assessment for mental retardation and developmental disabilities.?

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What is the value of early screening assessment for mental retardation and developmental disabilities.?




  1. the most important is to provide appropriate intervention (therapy)

  2. There are lots of answers to this question, but in brief, here are three:

    1.  To maintain appropriate expectations of the person showing signs of delay.  

    2.  To establish fair expectations re: functioning levels, i.e., don't expect high functioning from a low functioning person.  Let each person set norms according to their own functioning levels and gauge up and down from there.

    3.  Once you get a feel for #'s 1 and 2, set up a course of action based on that criteria.


  3. It is important so that you can access services before it becomes an issue.  In MO, where I live, if your child is born with any concerns, and is found to have developmental disabilities or MR, they can receive services from the state starting at birth, and until they are 21.  If you had a child with delays, sometimes because of early intervention that can be almost or completely gone by the time they reach elementary school. (ie speech delays, motor delays, ect.)

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