
What is the vermont adoption law?

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my dad seems to think you have to have a closed adoption but, i thought that law changed can anyone help me?




  1. I personally know a family who adopted in the State of Vermont and have a current open adoption (and the daighter is now 13!!). They have regular visits with the birthmom & birthgrandparents, too, and they have had contact with the birthfather as well. Even in states with "closed" adoption laws, having a relationaship with the adoptive parents is the key to maintaining contact and openness.

  2. Although most states seal adoption records, and many states do not enforce open adoption agreements,  that doesn't necessarily mean all adoptions are closed. The state will not give information out, nor will they compel any agency to release contact information, but that doesn't meant the adoptive parents and relinquishing parents can't exchange information willingly.

    For example both us and our son's bmom live in states with no open agreement enforcement and sealed records, yet we have an open adoption by mutual agreement. We have each others numbers, addresses, etc.

    No law I have ever heard of prohibits two or more consenting people having contact in any way they choose, however they won't enforce private agreements as contracts nor compel communications. The state simply won't be involved in that aspect.

  3. Even if you have an open adoption, it's up to the adoptive parents how much, if any, contact they want to have with the birth mom after the adoption is finalized. Unfortunately, I've heard horror stories that the adoptive parents acted so excited about an open adoption and once it was finalized, it was like "see ya. wouldn't want to be ya." On the flip side as a foster parent though, parental visitations are very hard on the kids and the family. There might be some emotional element there like that, too.

  4. Here is a link that will give you current VT adoption reunion laws.  

    Good luck!

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