
What is the very beginning of the difference of human races?i mean why are we so different?

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i mean some are white,black,yellow etc.Why arent we all the same,what is the reason for this,since the time we are created?




  1. well we have adapted to our enviroments. people with darker hair skin and eyes have lots of sun, people with lighter eyes hair skin all adapted to less sunshine. but then we invented colored contacts, hair dye, and tan-n-beds!! so now who knows where we supposedly adapted from. :P lol.

  2. I'm not sure, but some of the differences are definitely due to natural selection and the ability for certain races to effectively survive under different climatic pressures.

    When it comes down to it, we really aren't very different.  Outside of color, the major difference is socialization.  It is interesting how people of different races with similar backgrounds behave in similar ways.

    For example, the moral values and behaviors of trashy people regardless of race are the same.  I can see no difference between trailer trash and ghetto trash.

  3. I think that it's a matter of opinion. The truth is that there are a lot of different types of people within the human race, such as Nordic white people. My guess is that, around about the same time, many different types of human evolved in different places around the world, and over time have met each other and interbred. However, I cannot explain how all these people were the same species, it is baffling!

    I can only think that it has something to do with the climate, for instance Scottish people have red hair and pale skin, and they live in a colder climate to a lot of people. Africans have a lot of melanin in their skin in order to protect them from the sun's rays as they live closer to the equator... The human body is a complex thing =oD

  4. All I know is that this difference must have existed for thousands of years ... already before we became our todays form of humans

  5. First of all, there is only one human race. Black, white, yellow, and all other people all have human DNA. The only differences are skin and eye color, hair texture, and other minor things.

    After God confused the language of man at the Tower of Babel mankind spread out. Those who spoke one language went one way. Those who spoke another language went another way. The ones with naturally darker skin found their way to hotter places, and ones with lighter skin found their way to colder places. After a while groups were isolated and had to marry within their tribes. That lead to the changes in appearance. That is the best short response I can give. Read the following books for more information. I know I may get some negative feedback for my answer, but study it for yourself before you ridicule me.

  6. No ,we are all the same ,apart from the African gene pool which is diverse, because basically all of the people that live on the earth are related to one tribe which left Africa to spread out and become humanity as we know it . our DNA (from Asia to Europe and the Americas ) is virtually indistinguishable which means that we all can trace our ancestry back to the one 'real eve' who is the grandmother of all humans on earth apart from the Africans  , amazing but true

  7. The generally accepted theory suggests we all have common ancestors.

    The genesis [though it may well be a piece of fiction] suggests that some of the offspring of Adam and Eve were coloured.

    Scientifically accepted anthropology suggests that we have evolved from some other species of humans or humanoids.

    The gradual increase in population led to formation of groups or tribes.

    Climatic changes, rivalry and scarcity of food and shelter caused the tribes to drift in various directions- East, West, North, South.. some people crossed the oceans and reached far away lands like the Americas, Oz et al.

    Fooding habits, prolonged exposure to differing climates, differential evolution of Cultures led to varying levels of Melanin in the skins and hair-- thus leading to different and hair colours.

    Further cross breeding among the various groups led to yet more skin n hair colors

  8. This is a question that people keep asking.  There is a simple answer that may satisfy you, but really you should look at the more complete answer because it is one of the most fascinating stories you will ever read -- see the link below.

    However, if you are busy the simple answer is that there is very persuasive evidence that our species evolved in Africa and waves of migration from there over centuries upon centuries to different parts of the world caused local adaptations to the local conditions.  Skin color is a highly visible adaptation.  We all have melanin in our skins, and the more of it the darker we look.  Melanin filters out harmful ultraviolet sun rays, but on the other hand we need sunlight to for our bodies to make vitamin D.  Humans who migrated north, where sunlight is weaker and the hours shorter, adapted to lighter skins -- less melanin -- that permitted more sunlight to penetrate so that adequate vitamin D can be made.

  9. For a start, we have all adapted to our environments so black people are used to lots of sunshine and so on. Then you have different cultures which make people behave they way they do. Like animals we too evolve and adapt to our new and challenging surroundings.

  10. Think of the localities where we were born and the impact of environment.

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