
What is the waiting period for Social Security Disability in New York State?

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My mother has severe depression and anxiety. She has been in and out of the hospital for the last couple of years. And her last four jobs she has been fired from. She can't function anymore and definitely will qualify for disability. But our problem is that she can't wait very long with no source of income. She is a single mother of two, Myself (18) and my brother (14). If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.




  1. Unfortunately,she has to go through the process like everyone else. If she is denied,which most people are at least once,she could be waiting for years. If she is lucky enough to qualify right away,it could still take several months. You may think she will qualify for disability,but SS may disagree with you. They deny almost everyone the first time around.

    Your mom can apply for welfare while she is waiting for her disability to come through. It is about the only option there is. It took 2 years for my disability to come through,I had no choice but to go on welfare while I was waiting.

    She will be required to pay welfare back for any cash assistance that she gets while her disability is going through. This will have to be paid back as soon as she gets her back pay from SS.

    Once she is approved she will get a check for your brother since he is still a minor. She won't get anything for you since you are 18 unless you are still in HS when she is approved.

    She needs to get all her medical records together and apply as soon as possible. If she needs help with filling out the forms she can hire a SS lawyer. You don't have to pay them until you win your case.

    Good luck to your family.

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