
What is the warmest year on record?

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Was it the result of human activity?




  1. I dont believe even scientists can pinpoint the warmest year every because it was in the 1300's when no records were kept.  there is proven evidence that crops were grown in Greenland ( how did it get that name ) during the 1300-1400's.  There werent too many cars or planes back then, as well as a lot less people.  Go figure, maybe we are being told a lie.

  2. 1998 - and the "record" dates back only to the late 1800s.

  3. HadCRUT3v: 1998

    HadSST2: 1998

    UAH: 1998

    RSS MSU: 1998

    GISS land-ocean: 2005

    I would say the warmest year on record is 1998.

    "Was it the result of human activity?"

    Partially, yes.



    "Middle 1930s were the hottest period in the last hundred years. I believe it was 1934 that was recorded as the hottest but the whole period from about 1931 to 1944 was hotter than 1998"

    A lot of people misunderstand this, so I won't fault you. The warmest year on record globally was 1998. The hottest year on record in the United States was 1934 (followed closely by 1998). Big difference.

  4. Middle 1930s were the hottest period in the last hundred years. I believe it was 1934 that was recorded as the hottest but the whole period from about 1931 to 1944 was hotter than 1998. This information was reviled last year after they went back and checked the real records than the modified reports of Hansen.

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken  

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