
What is the way out?

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when life is living h**l....if dying is not an option, then what is?




  1. 3 steps.

    1. figuring out why it is a living h**l.

    2. figuring out how to change that.

    3. changing it.

    easy to say hard to do. i find each step would get harder as you go.

    you need perseverance, never giveup and focus, work hard at it. don't be daunted. the difference between failing and achieving can be as simple as whether you believe you can achieve or not.

  2. If the hellishness is physical, one seeks the mercy of modern medical science, and/or such wisdom as given e.g. in "Science and Health," Mary Baker Eddy.

    If the h... is mental or emotional, one seeks therapy in the psychological arts, and/or medication, and/or religious/spiritual guidance and practice, e.g. "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton, "Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov.

    If the suffering is group strife, one tries to move.

    If the suffering is economic, one tries education and such advice as S. Levitt's "Freakonomics."

    In developed nations, such as U.S., there are many resources.  Visiting or calling local public library reference librarian, key word searches at local public library computer, the government pages in the phone directory, and local community college counseling services, will connect one with all basic relevant resources.

    1-800-525-LOVE and

    1-800-23206459 are two more worthwhile sources of help and counseling.  The first is 24-7, the second is M-F, business hours, ask for Counseling dept.

    For anyone going through h... the compassion and gratitude they experience by being helped often help them in turn to desire to help others, either financially by supporting caring groups, or perhaps learning to help others in need.

    "Hope Rising," Kim Meeder,

    "When Invisible Children Sing," Dr. Chi Cheng Huang,

    "Eyes of the Tailless Animals," Soon Ok Lee,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, and

    "Hope's Boy," Andrew Bridge, are examples.

  3. understanding that you're making your own life a living h**l. How bad is it truly? Are you living on the streets? alone and abandoned? I'm not trying to preach to you. But you choose to be happy or not. Everything that happens to us, happens to help us grow, to help us become better people. After all the strongest steel is forged in the fires of h**l. So understand that these hard times will pass. and you'll be better for withstanding them.

  4. It is true that you make how bad you're life will be for you. We can't always control what happens and all the bad things that happen. What we can do is determine how we are going to get through it and how we are going to get through life's obstacles. It's up to you to decide if you're going to go through life,if you're going to die with nothing to be remembered or if you're going to die "going down in the blades of glory" -Bon Jovi

    Living h**l is basically an exression for some people to explain how they're feeling and what they're going through.

    In my faith, there is a Heaven and h**l, and h**l is much worse than life, but it's up to you to decide what you want to believe in and what you want to go with.

    I hope this somewhat helped.

    Good luck finding the answer.

  5. coping.

  6. Change h**l. But first you have to figure out how you got there.

  7. That which does not kill me makes me stronger.

    That which I do not kill makes me hungry.

    The way out is through the weakest opponent.

  8. as long as you are a caring person then I believe we all live for the loved ones in our lives so possibly loving.

  9. Getting out of "living h**l"! Fight your way through until you reach the top. In the meantime consult family & friends. Pray about it. Cope with the curve balls that life throws. It will get better, guaranteed! :) +

  10. You create your own meaning and purpose.

  11. Some suggestion, which might help or not.

    Change the strategy. Decide to be thankful for the h**l you live in and make the choice that you see the many good things it leads you to, enables you etc.

    Then develop a strong sense of humor, this changes an entirely concept of h**l. Laughing about it, brings things in a different perspective.

    Or focus on one person you love a lot and only focus on that "love", so that you "have" to find a way out on better land as to fulfill this love to this person. (This always does the trick for me)
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