
What is the way to cheat in sports?

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In basketball there is the ref gambling scandal, in baseball there is steroids, in football there was spygate and a little bit of steroids too.

Which do you think is the worst for the sport?




  1. potato launchers, trip strings, and dirty trips should do the trick. But all sports are baised on skill and physical stuff, cheating sucks all around. no one likes the little runt trying to come out a champ the cheap way, don't be that guy

  2. Steroids alter the game, but they do the athlete that uses them more harm in the long run rather than the team he's cheating against. Refs making the wrong calls would be a more difficult problem because it's not as easy to bust the gambling as it is to check for steroids, and I think it would affect the outcome of the game more than teams spying for each other.

  3. Has to be refs gambling on games...

  4. There are lots of ways to cheat, and most have been tried in all sports.

    All cheating cheapens the contest and throws the results into doubt.

    If the people watching can't trust the outcome they will stop watching.

  5. Steroids

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