
What is the way to overcome nervousness?

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nervousness occurs talking to teachers, new friends ?

I hesitate talking to them and make a conversation!!!!!!!!!




  1. make believe that they are smaller than you, that works for me lol

  2. we should be confident when we talking with others.we should keep in mind that with whom we are talking and what we have to talk.if we are feeling nervous also we should not show others that we are feeling nervous.means others should not understand that we are nervous

  3. alcohol  

  4. I was the same way in 6th grade but got over it. What gave me confidence was just following throught with it, it may seem akward at first, but just start talking. Ask them questions about themselves, people love to talk about themselves. I'm sure you can find something to relate to when speaking with them. After you do this for a few times it gets easier and you get more confident. Keep in mind, you probably are not the only one who feels that way, think about this, why aren't they starting a conversation with you? They may not know how to start one either. So go on! Go say "hello", ask them how their weekend was and what they did or what they plan to do on the holidays. There's lots to talk about, you just got to find it. Focus more on what's going on, rather than the initial start of the conversation. Good luck! Have fun and take care!

  5. At first try to do your personal tough work. Just you are not doing for lazyness.Afterthat you will come to like that matter for what you are narvous.

    Like that as you are going to give some interview.

    Just try to practice for that in your home.

  6. Breathe deep and slow. And picture them in their underwear.  

  7. this is very common at least 50% of people feel this way so don't worry just think that every one feels like you do an remember you have a lot of good qualities you need to share with others and think if i  make a fool of myself an they laugh well your funny and most people like funny characters don't you. just don't be the person in the corner not socialising as that is not good as that will get worse the longer you leave it just have fun an they will come to you best of luck in your new life !!!

  8. Just do it, if you don't you will be afraid forever.

  9. Take Vitamin B.  It is stress reducer and will make you calmer.  

    Just try it one day and you will see the difference.

  10. Breathing is important. Do not take short, shallow breaths, but take full breaths (not deep, dramatic ones). Make eye contact. Ask questions. Your questions can be short but can start a whole discussion on the topic at hand. Pretty soon, you'll feel comfortable to open up and jump right in. Note how interesting things are that others are saying. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through!

  11. nervousness!!!!! just u meditate & b confident. if u r nervous out of communication then communicate i think this is d only way by which u can get rid of ur fear.

    GO FOR IT!


  12. i think you have infi complex also. just think one are good as you. and of course you are coz even i use to feel the same later i found some really good friend that helped me a lot.


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