
What is the weakest argument you have ever heard?

by Guest32423  |  earlier

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What is the weakest argument you have ever heard?




  1. "Because I said so" - heard it, used it (as a mom and a teacher)

  2. That spying on Americans with no judicial oversight is "keeping us safe."

  3. anything that has the men try to change the topic in an attempt to distract the females, believing it would make them win on instant as the females have forgotten the discussed point. seriously it's lame when men try to runaway from prob.  

  4. That feminists are responsible forthe divorce rate.

  5. "She must be a feminist. Her last name is hyphenated!" - ksoileau

  6. "People are going to do it anyway, so it should be legal."  

    Although I think those of us who come here on a regular basis know the topic this usually gets said about on here, I've heard it used for quite a few things before.  Strangely enough, despite the fact that something like murder and theft continue to happen, nobody has ever used this argument to support them.  I wonder why?

  7. "Its my body, I'll kill my baby if I want too!!!"

  8. Anything that starts with the words “Foucault said…”

  9. It wasn't in English.  It was with a dog, a pet coyote actually, and what the coward basically said was he wouldn't take care of a spider in the bathtub for me because that was the cat's job.


    Me:  I don't believe in God.

    Christian: Well YOU certainly aren't director of the Universe.


    Other Person: "If g**s had their way the world would end because who is going to continue the human race? God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve"

  11. That the oil company's are responsible for high gas prices.  

  12. But feminists AAAARRE for equal rights.

  13. Since Mayor Kwamie Kilpatrick is a crooked politician, there should not be a Black president.

    This was posted in the Detroit travel forum about a month ago.

  14. PETA supporter: Drinking milk is bad for you! It's like pouring acid rain down your esophagus!

    Me: What makes you say that? Milk is good for you.

    PETA supporter: It's bad for you because it contains amino acids.

    HAHAHAHA. Oh no, glycine!

  15. "that's how things are"

    seriously, this one p*sses me right off. if that's the way things are and the whole point of debating it is to find a better way of functionning, isn't stating that that's the way things are kind of... you know, undermining your own argument?

  16. Me: Honey I really want you to stop selling pot out of this house!

    My Boyfriend: Ok hun.

    Me: Who is that that just called?

    My Boyfriend: Oh, that was Scott.  He needs me to drop something off.

    Me: Umm, wouldn't that be dealing drugs?

    My Boyfriend: No. . .I'm just sharing it with my friend.

  17. Right after the commercial I will take care of it.

  18. Whatever you are still wrong.

  19. Seriously? "Because god/the bible said so".  

  20. Is (not) natural...

  21. I second Shell's response.

  22. I'm not sure - but it could be in response to a mother asking why the attendance office says her 16 year old hasn't been to school for 3 days.  "I was there, they just mixed up the paperwork".

    The strongest:

    I've used it 300,000,000 times  'because I'm the mom".  

  23. The weakest arguments that come to mind are all related to religion. More specifically, I hear these arguments used to support Christianity because that's the dominant religion of my country (USA). I think the top two are:

    "You have to have faith in something."   Who says? And if you're going to have faith in something, why is your faith in what it is in? Why not have faith in Hinduism or White Supremecy or that aliens built the pyramids? Faith should be founded on some initial reason for having that faith. I think most people have the faith they have simply because they were raised with it.

    "The universe had to come from somewhere, and there's no other explanation, so it must have been God, therefore God exists."  Just because no one knows where the universe came from, that's no reason to jump to the conclusion that it was God, as described in the bible, and that the all of the beliefs of your religion are true. Why can't you just accept that the universe's origin is a mystery?

  24. Do Not,

    Do Too

    Do Not

    Do Too

    Do Not !

    Do Too!

  25. "Because", of course I have no room to talk, I use that argument sometimes. LOL

  26. Love you too, Rio (smooch)

    "Abortion is legal, so shut up."

    Although truly, the weakest argument of all is a Yahoo violation for an answer that dares to refute some poor little thing's ardently held, but erroneous belief.

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