
What is the weakest lens type for reading glasses?

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Hi, i'm in need of a pair of reading glasses. My eyesight becomes a little blurry when reading a lot when i'm studying, and also if i'm on the computer for about an hour or so....i'm looking at designer reading glasses on a site and just want to know what the weakest lens type for reading glasses is. I just need a small magnification, but i might wear them a lot just for fun because they are designer, what lens type should i get?

here is the link to the site where you choose the lens type:





  1. " I just need a small magnification, "

    Err, no you don't.  

    If you have blurred vision and you truly magnify it, all you get is a bigger blur...

    Ordinary reading glasses don't magnify.

    (if they let you hold things closer, you might be fooled into *thinking* they do.)

    What you need is an examination, to find out why and to what degree your eyes are struggling.

    Ready-made reading glasses usually start at +1.00 R&L (I've seen +0.75)  but that assumes that the eyes require equal assistance: a far from safe guess.

  2. The weakest I have ever seen in store were +.50.  I think the weakest they make would be a +.25.  I suggest that you actually get an eye exam to obtain a correct prescription.  If you do not want to do that, then go to any store that sells reading glasses and try on the glasses to get an idea about where your prescription should be.  The usually have a chart where you can somewhat do a self test.

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