
What is the weather and humidity like in Auckland, NZ?

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Is it pleasant in summer and winter, or only in winter, only summer, is it very cold, rainy, etc?





  2. It's been a long time since I lived there but I guess it hasn't changed a lot.......

    Auckland is on a very narrow stretch of land between two great oceans and weather can arrive from both directions ... the south and north ...... the south is cold,  and brings wind  from the antarctic ( but not freezing stuff, just cold. ) and from the north, warm, but in recent years can bring mini cyclones, but not as destructive you would get in the far north of Queensland in Australia.

    Summer is sometimes a little humid if there is rain about.

    Winter can be very drab,  2 weeks of drizzling rain, but not cold.

    But don't take these times as a yardstick as every season is changing everywhere .......  generally it's a very even climate there.

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