
What is the weather like in Australia?

by Guest64340  |  earlier

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In late August/September time?




  1. North Queensland is usually starting to warm up during the day.

  2. Warm and dry in N-W Western Australia, snowy in the Alpine regions,  miserable in Melbourne, a bit better in Sydney and Brisbane.  Cool and dry at Alice Springs, but warm enough during the day.  Warm in Cairns.

    Since Australia is about the size of the continental USA  there is no answer to your question.

  3. It's a pretty big country and it depends what part of the where in Australia you plan to travel. The weather in the southern part of the continent in August is a lot like San Francisco in January...rarely if ever drops below freezing, but usually chilly around 50s and often rainy, doesn't matter much which coast, so if you're going to Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, or Perth won't make much difference.  If you're on the northern coast, like in Darwin, closer to the equator, the climate is much warmer and drier, like a desert.  And hardly any rain at all in the Outback desert central part of the continent, and temperatures vary a bit more.

  4. whatever the weather is down under

    it's a lot better than the uk !

  5. not favorable

  6. Freezing in the ACT

  7. In Queensland that is the time of the westerly winds and this is around ekka time and it is usually nice during the day and cool at night.  

    The rest of the country I do not know about

  8. In Sydney during those months.. Its not hot, not too cold.. I dont know about the rest of Australia.

    But right now its bloody freezing here in Sydney

  9. Winter is June, July, August and spring is September, October, November. So you will be visiting late winter and early spring. It really depends on where you are visiting, but it is generally still fairly cool, but starting to warm up.

  10. Australia is as big as mainland america so it would depend where in Australia

    it will be winter and it can range from cold snow to warm tropics and everything in between

  11. Winter/Spring.

    Winter is cold, rainy, stormy. Spring is wet and sunny.

  12. I'm because when we have our winters, they have their summers

  13. Opposite of ours in the US.  

    Summer is Winter and Winter is Summer.

  14. in sydney its warmish it doesnt get really hot until around december

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