
What is the weather like in Chichen Itza (Mexico)? Is it hot all year round? About what temperature? Thanks!?

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What is the weather like in Chichen Itza (Mexico)? Is it hot all year round? About what temperature? Thanks!?




  1. The weather is not the main problem at Chichen Itza or many of the other archaeological sites in Mexico, it is the lack of shade.The Mexican sun can be brutal and there is just no place to hide.Take sunscreen and a hat and maybe a long sleeve t-shirt. See link below for current weather and extended forecast for Chichen Itza.You might also want to bookmark the website for future use.It will give you weather for almost anywhere in the world.

    Buena suerte y buen viaje!


  2. depends on what time of the year you go. you can go to google or yahoo weather and put in the place. it will tell you the average temperatures for every month of the year.

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