
What is the weather like in Costa Rica the first week of June? Will the rainy season be bad then?

by Guest62385  |  earlier

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I am planning a trip and don't want to have it ruined by the weather!!




  1. Take this from an expert. Normally not every day rains in CR. And also when the reainy season comes it rains in the afternoon probably like at 3:30pm and since global warming is on I can't really tell u wheather it's going to rain all week. But I do know that only some day IT MAY.

  2. The "rainy season" means it rains , basically on a daily basis. It is not  monsoons  where it rains constantly for days.  Here it will rain daily but at about the same time every day.  Right now it is raining in the evenings, for an hour or so.  By June it will probably rain in the afternoon.  It depends on where you are.  I'm in the Zona Sur , southern zone in a town called Golfito.  We're right on the Golfo Dulce.   But from almost anywhere you can see the sky, ergo know when the rain is coming.  Normally the showers are 1 - 1 1/2 hours  then it stops.

    When I left the US  people said ( I came here from Key West  lol), "What will you do when it rains?"  response " SAme as I do here >>> If I have an umbrella I open it  >> if not I get wet >>> but is warm rain >>>>  But basically I stay where I am till it stops >>>

    Here the Ticos cal a light sprinkle " Pelo de Gatos"  >>>> very misty rain   cat hairs.   When it POURS  and visibility is impared  they call it "Agua Cero"  no rain  but they mean no visibility.  In Golfito the island  about 1/4 mile in front gradually white outs during "Agua cero"  then it gradually fades back in. >>> Rainy season it better then dry season.

  3. I have been going to Costa Rica for the last twelve years and I have yet to see it rain to the extent that I would be bothered by it!

    I'm from Florida and when it rains here it comes down by the buckets full!

    No so in Costa Rica!  I often wonder why they even bother to call it the rainy season!  I can't consider one and a half hours of rain like every four or five days a "rainy season"!

    Planning on going again in late June and do not expect any rain to interfere with my trip.

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  5. in june we have 2 weeks that it doesn't rain. they call it the st. john's summer. i really don't know when is that specific date but the way that the weather is right now who knows what could happen. is not raining now and that's way odd

  6. I have spent May 15th till July 2nd in Costa Rica with student groups since 1997.  During that time I have learned that we can expect 3-4 days of rain that last all day (when there is a tropical storm or hurricane off Mexico, 3-4 days without rain and the rest of the time with 2-4 hours rain usually in the afternoon or evening.  Mornings are almost always beautiful.  Generally when it rains very hard it rains for a relatively short amount of time and when it rains gently it rains longer.   So based on my experience you have a 7-10% probability of encountering enough rain to negatively impact your total experience.

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