
What is the weather like in Germany in February?

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What is the weather like in Germany in February?




  1. everything turns into white...covered by snow ....brrrrrrrrr........ but i like it.i love snow

  2. COLD!!!!!!!! And if we are lucky, we have a lot of snow... It can get to minus 20.

  3. Only one word would come close to it:


  4. COLD. Last year it snowed so much in February!  Hoping for a mild winter this year, but don't think that is going to happen!

  5. COLD, just like it is from October to May!!! Miserable place weatherwise.

  6. Cold and rainy. Surely the worst month to come here ... except you wanna go to the mountains (Alps) for skiing.

  7. That largely depends on where in Germany you are. You'll have snow down South in Bavaria and the Alps. You'll also still have snow in most higher elevations. The rest of Germany is pretty well cold and damp that time of year.

    PS: Germany is not "cloudy most of the year except for a few days in August". Matter of fact, the Summers can get quite hot there and the majority of German appartments and houses do not have air conditioning. Fall and Spring can be downright beautiful. They have the Spring blooms and the Fall colors.

  8. It all depends on where you are planning on going! If you plan on going to Hessen, which is where I live, you'll experience cold and snow, and usually rain. Not a very nice month! If you go to Bavaria, its very cold, snowy, and icy. Regardless of where you go, its gonna be below 0! Carnival is an even that takes place in February, and its kind of like a big Halloween party, but no trick-or-treating! Its a really good time. If you are going to Frankfurt, make sure you have a really warm coat, preferably a long one, because the wind is really bad!

  9. Depending where you are, its cold and damp in the North and lots of snow in the South.

  10. Cold and raining if weather is not cold enough to keep snow on the ground.

  11. Cold and cloudy.  In fact it's cloudy all the time in Germany with the exception of a few days in August.

  12. oh, my goshhhh!!! February is the worst in Germany! but there have Fasching (Carnival) so it might be lots of fun...indoors...of course!!

  13. Cold and dreary, but there are still so many beautiful things to see.  In February there are mostly cloudy days, in fact starting in the Fall and going through until late Spring, the days are mostly cloudy, with a few exceptions.  Just bring clothes that you can layer and you'll be fine and find a nice place to get hot chocolate or Gluhwein.

  14. cold with lots of rain or depending where you are snow. Not a very pleasant month...

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