
What is the weather like in Ireland, particularly in Shannon?

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My husband and I have an opportunity to move there from Alaska. There are only two seasons here: cold, long winters and short-oh-way-too-short summers.




  1. It rains shamrocks and beer all day long.

  2. the hail is so bad that birds have been falling dead and bruised from the sky.......

    A tropical storm has taken over for the next 6 months..

    Babies are having their pee flowing up instead of down

    start to the global warming

  3. Its warmer here then it is in Alaska, I'm pretty sure about that.

    Here is the Irish Weather Information website.

    and here is a 30 year average for Shannon:

    Its in SI units though (e.g. degrees Centigrade, meters, etc.)

  4. Well, you have two seasons in Alaska. In Ireland there is only one - - - Rainy-  -  - but it will be a lot warmer. I hope you can make it, Shannon is quite a nice place. Donegal is nicer however.

  5. SHANNON IS NOT IN THE UK U NOBJOCKEY! At the moment the weather is c**p, should pick up tho, we ve been hearing "its gonna be the warmest summer in ages" but hasnt really materialised yet. Winters are cold (not as much as Alaska I'd imagine)  and wet, and summers can get warm enough. a really good day would get up to 25 degrees, but usually its somewhere between 15-25 degrees throughout the summer.

  6. First off shannon is not in the UK nor has it been since 1921.

    Also the weather system is a little different to the "UK" due to the Gulf stream atlantic current. Expect mild summers that are comfortable not too hot, dont be supprised to see rain as this is where the gulf stream meets land, bound to be a little rain. Lowest temperatures in winter are -6 degrees celcius and thats rare, -2 c is seen as cold here, also Snow is very rare, we usually get between 1-2 days of snow.

    Hope that helps

  7. Shannon, like the rest of the UK, is cool and wet 9 months of the year.  The summers are absolutely lovely and warm however.

  8. We have a temperate climate

    It rains a lot and can be windy

    In winter (december-February) the temperature ranges 0-10 degrees celcious but can go below freezing at night.

    We occasionally get snow in winter.

    Summer (june- august) temperature 13-25 degrees. It can be very wet and cloudy but we also get the occasional hot dry day.

    Spring (march-may) and autumn(sep-nov) are the 2 nicest seasons of the year when the colours change on the trees and the plants and it is neither too hot or too cold

  9. the weather in ireland is very unpredictable, it has been sunny with showers for about a week or two now. it never goes to extremes though, its quite mild, and lots of rain, regardless of the time of year. you'll get used to it after a while:)

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