
What is the weather like in June for the Maldives? If it does rain how long does the rain last?

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What is the weather like in June for the Maldives? If it does rain how long does the rain last?




  1. rain is expected on june. rain normally occur for few hours, however whole day it can be cloudy.

  2. I've been in Maldives for a year. and i was there june last year it rain sometimes. somtimes it rain 1 day and the next day it's sunny. and sometimes it rain in the morning then it's sunny already in the afternoon it depends on the weather.

  3. June is usually the wettest month.

    The Maldives have a hot tropical climate. There are two monsoons, the southwest from May to October and the northeast from November to April. Generally the southwest brings more wind and rain in June and July. The temperature rarely falls below 25°C (77°F).

    Required Clothing

    Lightweight cottons and linens throughout the year. Light waterproofs are advised during the rainy season.

    To see temperature and rainfall chart:

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