
What is the weather like in London this time of year?

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Is it cooler in Scotland?? I need to know because I'm going to London then Scotland next week!




  1. it's supposed to be summer here now! but we've been having under 20*C temperatures, quite a bit of rain and cloudy sky's!

    Scotland's a bit further North but not much, so there's not a lot of difference.

    next week we're having some cloudy/sunny days and some rainy days! have a nice time! - bring a good mix of cloths! (cloths for rain, sun, cold, warm . . .)

  2. London definitely looks better than Glasgow right now. London is heading into the high 70s F next week with only a slight chance of rain. Glasgow will be in the mid-60s F.

  3. According to BBC the next five days forecast is in London:

    Sunny intervals 19-24 degrees celsius

    and in Glasgow, Scotland:

    Light showers 13-18 degrees celsius

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