
What is the weather like in May and is it safe to go by myself?

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This is my first trip to go by myself outside of the country. Will be staying there for 5 days... any good place to dine in and shop?




  1. May is really nice in Paris sunny about 60/70 degres

    Depends on how old you are but I think Paris is pretty safe, the best spots for shopping are Rue de Rennes it's near Saint Germain des Pres where you'll find good restaurants, you can also shop rue de Rivoli or Boulevard Haussmann the restaurants in these areas are more touristic

  2. As a young female, I have been to Paris 4 times on my own with no problems. I do, however, speak the language well. If you don't speak the language, you might want to go with someone for practical reasons, but provided you take the normal precautions - avoid the parks at night - I can't envisage you having problems.

    I love St Germain area - lots of small shops and good restaurants. For high street type shops try Les Halles.

    Weather wise, the average temperature is 83F in the day, 55F at night.

    I love Paris and I hope you have a great time there.

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