
What is the weather like in Munich in March ?

by Guest63755  |  earlier

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I will be visiting the area for few days and will have a car.

I don't speak very much German, will that be a problem ?




  1. You'll find LOTS of people who speak at least a little English.  Kids study it in school from a young age.  If you stick to major centres and tourist areas you should be OK.

    The weather is GREAT!  Of course, I come from SNOW country.  But, I have often been to Munich in Feb.,March, May, June, July, and Aug..  We got snow one day in Feb. - I think there may have been 1 inch on the ground - streets were slushy/wet.  All in all a HECK of a lot better than the BLIZZARD I saw Sunday.  You'll likely get away with a spring coat and running shoes.

    Alwin is absolutely right about the drivers!!!  They can really FLY!!

  2. I'm not sure about the weather in March, but not knowing German won't be a problem. Most Germans speak some English. A good hint, if you need directions or help with something, try and talk with a younger person (teens or early 20's.) Most of them will be pretty fluent. Try to learn a few phrases, such as please, thank you, etc. Knowing a little bit of the language will go a long way.

  3. Not speaking very much German will be no problem; but it would be useful for us native Germans (or for me, native Bavarian, whose state capital happens to be Munich) where you come from and what climate you are used to. You see, if I tell an Alaskan that it's warm here in spring, he'll probably agree; if you're North Australian, you'll call me a bloody liar and freeze some external parts of your body off. Temperature is in the skin of the beholder.

    Spring in Germany, or in general, central Europe, has changing weathers. As a maximum day temperature, in March, well, say 13 to 16 centigrade. I wouldn't expect more. And that's  when you're lucky. In March, winter is not yet over, and we've had days with snow and temperatures way beyond zero C. I don't expect it to be that hard this year, as February looks promising so far, but you never can tell. In any way, be prepared for rain, and don't be disappointed if it rains a whole week through.

    Another topic, you said you'll have a car. I lived and worked in Munich for three years, and I know Munich drivers drive like mad. If I were you, I'd check with the rental company that they DON'T give you a Munich license plate (that's the big M at the start), but rather something like Hamburg (HH) or Bremen (HB), so that you'll be recognized as a foreigner and unexperienced driver in Munich city. If you have the M, they'll kill you, as they'll expect you know your way and all the shortcuts.

  4. Its spring. The weather can be like anything. From cold, windy rainy to snow to warm, sunny, early summer.

    In Munich, it's not a problem if you don't speak German. Out of town, depending on how touristy the area it is, it could be sometimes problematic, but not really. You should be fine. Have fun.

  5. Still chilly. I wouldn't be surprised to have it really cloudy and perhaps rain. Nothing really warms up until June.

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