
What is the weather like in Orlando, Florida during the wintertime?

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I live in Chicago, and I'm going to Orlando in late December for Winter Break. I was wondering what the weather and temperature is usually like, and if it's warm enough to go out in shorts, or be able to swim at the beach.





  1. I live in Orlando. It used to be nice. But now its still 80 degrees in December. Its colder in Jan Feb and March.

  2. I live here now. In late December you can wear shorts. It may get down to 40s some nights but expect 50s and 60s and day time around 60s and 70s

  3. I used to live in Orlando, Florida many years ago.  The weather in December is beautiful, generally  cool in the mornings (60's) and afternoon it warms up to the 70's.  I always found it too cold for the beach, but wonderful to sight-see.  Wearing shorts would be fine for the day, but I suggest pants in the evening hours.  I hope this helps.

  4. not that cold in  forida wen it gos down to the 70 every one is wearing sweaters

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