
What is the weather like in Paris in early January??

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What is the weather like in Paris in early January??




  1. i went in december...and that was pretty cold!!! pack a scarf!! lol

    and have a great time...i love that place!

  2. 45 to 50

  3. Cold and wet. Like in London, but a little hotter ;)


  5. rain, cold

  6. February is better - from 1 to 15 / 02 generally very cold but can have great sunny  bit longer days -

    from 15/02 to 28/02 - weather can turn milder, and sunny too

  7. i love paris in the springtime...

  8. It'll be cold, probably grey and it may rain. Paris has in general, colder drier winters than England for example. The weather is less variable, so it can stay the same for several days, which can be annoying if it's particularly bad weather.

  9. Paris will most likely be chilly and overcast.  There might even be some fog.  The sun might shine for an hour or two at a time, but I would not count on it.  Still, I believe it is a wonderful place to visit no matter the time of year.

  10. i never been to Paris in January,  but my friends there tell me is really cool

    and fresh.

  11. Check this page for Paris Weather information -

    Hope this helps

  12. Cold,Very cold.

  13. we went one january and it was freezing, but it wasn't raining so we didn't really mind the cold.

  14. Chilly. Just got back and its nippy already.

  15. I'm french and i can tell you that the weather in january is cold, sometimes it snows! Take a coat!

  16. Cold, and possibly wet.

    You'll need jumpers, boots, warm coat, scarf, rain coat etc

  17. Dry Cold and sometime, some rain !! Around ~0°C

  18. Very cold but if you have some winter clothes you never get to wear this is a perfect opportunity.

  19. it is cold, cloudy or raining, dont think u will find sun if u come here in france in january, if u want a good weather  then go in the south of france, it's always sunny whenever u come. (Marseille, Cannes , Beziers, Nice, Montpellier, Saint Tropez, Toulouse...)

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