
What is the weather like in Sardinia in early April?

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Going for a few days break over the easter holidays. Would like it to be hot and sunny.




  1. See this site for average temperature:

  2. We lived on Sardinia for two years....The weather in April should be nice but not warm enough to go swimming yet. You would have to wait until Late May or June for that....Sardinia is a beautiful island..We miss it very much!! Depending on where you are visiting try to drive to Palau and catch the Seramar or Enermar ferry over to Lamaddalena...Great little island with lots of great ristorante's and sights to see!

  3. Doesn't look hot and sunny (average of 18 C and 38mm rain in April)

  4. Clement!!!

  5. Quite warm sometimes people swimming in the sea for Easter

  6. it's fantastic, i'm sardo and the weather in Sardinia is very very beautiful

  7. it's quite can also's fantastic

  8. usually warm

  9. April is on the border, so the weather is unpredictable, but Sardinia is excellent in all conditions! It will most likely have lovely weather too.

  10. Well I'm not too far from there, it should be pleasant, sunny and warm, but can be chilly in the evenings, so bring some warmer clothes for evenings.

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