
What is the weather like in Sorrento (Italy) this time of year?

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Going to Italy in a few weeks and I'm not completely sure what clothes to take so if someone could tell me if it's really hot/cold/mild it would be much appreciated :) thanks a lot.




  1. Right now the weather is foretasted to be in the low to mid 60's which is slightly higher than the average 60 of this time. It looks like by the end of April the average highs will be to the upper 60's. If you go to you can search Sorrento and then click the month link and it will tell you averages so you can get a feel for what it'll be like. There is also no rain in the forecast, with good amounts of sun, so it should feel pretty nice out with pants and light shirts with jackets just in case for the daytime.

  2. it is not so cold.. it is as warm as in the UK when it is almost summer!i think that for British people it would be quite hot

  3. I'm from Naples. There are tears and rain in Sorrento. If you would come in Italy, please, run away from Naples: it is a trash in open air.


  5. I am afraid to tell that it is cool till  about May time you will need a jacket and leave swim trunks at home.

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