
What is the weather like in september in gothenberg?

by Guest33819  |  earlier

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going there iseptember 12th for the week end




  1. don't go. Definitely not balmy weather. Cold and cold.

  2. coldddd

  3. brisk usually rainy

  4. I assume that you mean Gotherburg in Sweden.

    Because it is a seaport, the city is influenced but a maritime climate. Open to the south-westerly winds that dominate north Europe, it is exposed to low pressures passing mostly at that time of the year over the Norwegian sea bringing wind from the west and rain. But between each low pressure there is a high pressure ridge.

    Over the nearby British islands, statistics show that if it rains, there is 70% chances to have sunshine the day after, and if it is sunny, 70% to see rain. That's because it takes about 24 hours to see a low pressure giving place to a high ridge, and so on.

    Now, on an average of three times a year, that pattern is stopped by a stable high pressure. That happens when the jetstreams are very week. It is not unusual that it happens in September and it is then called the Indian Summer.

    In September in Göteborg (as it is called in Swedish) expect a temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. I don't know if you find that cold. We, Scandinavian, find it very comfortable. Actually 15 degrees Celsius is the temperature of the Standard Atmosphere (SA) i.e. the average temperature on earth.

    I live just on the other side of the Norwegian border, not very far from Gothenburg. I am 60 years old, I have sailed all my life; many times along the Swedish coast and in north Europe. Right now, I fly a lot my ultralight aircraft. In September, I'll fly from Norway to France and by the 12 of September, I'll probably fly over Gothenburg on my way home. And ... I expect good weather! :-)

    Have a nice stay in Sweden. The Swedes are nice people!

  5. cold and crappy

  6. It rains a lot there during September and it is very cold. Bring tons of sweaters and jackets and jeans. Sweat pants too, of course. It's a nice, cozy place to be that time of year if you are dressed for it.

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