
What is the weather like where you live?

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Ours is lots of thunderstorms. :'(




  1. It is mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. Temperatures are currently in the upper 70s. The projected high is the lower 80s. The projected low is in the mid 60s.

    I am in Willingboro, NJ.

  2. well i live in India and my mother land has all kinds of seasons ranging from scorching sunny days to freezing winter and it depends on where exactly one lives. since the country is big the temperature also varies from place to place in any given time and if you like to know more about my motherland's weather visit  

    the following link

  3. mines is hot and sometimes rainy

  4. IDK

  5. Mid-Atlantic region of  U.S.  It has rained for 4 of past 7 days.  Overcast the balance of the days.  Highs in the 72 to 76 range.

  6. Here in Ohio it is mostly sunny, humid, and around 88 degrees F

  7. well down ere in gosport bowt an hour ago was pissin it down and thunder and lightning but btightining up a bit now!! lol

  8. it's usually normal, today it is 78 degrees .... i am glad that Los Angeles is blessed with great weather... though there is usually a lot of wildfires every year....i love the summer here!!!!!!!!!

  9. In the Summer it's hot and dry.

    In the Winter there is lots of deep snow and blizzards.

    We have weird weather. It usually starts to snow in October and stops snowing in March to Early April. You never know with weather here in Colorado.

  10. summer=80s, humid

    winter=30s, snow

    it typically snows any time from the end of november to early march (but it has snowed in april during a track meet)

  11. i live in the artic and is 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000... degrees below zero today!

  12. HOT AND HUMID!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Cloudy&&hott&&humid. =]

  14. Hot Hot and More Hot Got to 91 Degrees Yesterday and 94 Degrees Today We only got some rain but not a lot, we actually don't need any thanks to the Floods last Spring, so let's keep it Hot and dry just how I like it.

  15. Today isn't so bad!  It's a little warm, and it's going to be warm again tomorrow, but I'm ok with it because of the sunshine.  Our 4th of July was gorgeous, and the rest of the weekend followed suit.

    I hope the thunderstorms in your area end soon- I'm afraid of thunderstorms!

  16. The weather is beautiful today. Its sunny out and a nice cool brezze is coming through my french doors. I love the summer


  17. Today its raining. Finally! =]

    In sunmmer its hot and humid. In winter its freezing..

  18. Right now it just fineshed raining... so it's pretty wet hehe

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