
What is the website for those protesting about GWR pullman discontinuation?

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What is the website for those protesting about GWR pullman discontinuation?




  1. There is a magazine entitled 'Modern Railways' , you could write to them in protest , they may even publish your letter? They should also have a website.

  2. do a websearch : "gwr pullman society"   good luck...

  3. Is this about the dining cars being replaced on some services. As far as I know there will be two fleets. Long Distance and Commuter. The Dining will remain on the Long Distance fleet for services to Swansea and Penzance. The commuter fleet will be used on the short runs to Bristol and Cardiff, where more Standard class seating is needed.

  4. GWR??? PULLMAN???? Are you communicating with us through a time warp or something?

  5. Why should anyone who is not aware of what is being discontinued be entitled to make a protest?

    There is no GWR, there are no Pullmans.

    The current operator of the franchise covering the greater part of the former GWR (abolished last day of 1947) is First Great Western. It proposes to remove the buffet cars from many of its trains so that they can sprint  faster between stations (because over the last thirty years train operators have found it ever harder to say no to demands for trains to stop at almost every station they pass!).

    This should not be a problem as so many more food opportunities are available in the station before departure.

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