
What is the weight limit on most rides at Hershey Park?

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I want to go to Hershey Park with my family but I think my dad is scared to go because he is bigger. Will he be able to fit on most of the roller coasters and other rides if he is 290 lbs with a 44 inch waist?





  1. most parks its in the 250-300 range, but its all about how your weight distrubutes through your body. If its 290 and its all gut he might not fit. If tis 290 evenly spread and he just naturally a big guy he should be fine. I never seen a person not be able to get in a ride in my 10 yrs of rollercoaster riding. Ive seen guys easily 300+ ride rides i thought they couldnt. 44 inches doesnt seem that big either. When i was about 200 pounds my waist was about a 40 and ive never had a problem. I hope your dad can ride all the rides though b/c nothing is better then enjoying an amusement park with family.

  2. I have the same problem as your dad.  I weigh 270 and and have around the same inch waist and cant ride some rides.  There are a few newly made rollar coasters that I cant ride but I do enjoy going.  Amusement parks know have a sample seat sitting outside of the ride enterance that you can sit in and try out before getting in line.  THis really cuts out on the embarrasement of not fitting into the seat.  Its so nice to know yes or no before trying to ride.  I hope your dad will be able to go and have a blast.

  3. maybe! my dad is about 390! im 160

  4. Most rides have a weight limit, like you said, of 250-300 pounds. The rides that are lower on the ground usually have a higher weight lmit, so he might want to skip the big roller coasters.

  5. I was just their and I am a larger girl.. all over.. The only problem I had was on wooden coasters.. they are smaller sealts, I was able to ride, but was a tight fit.. ha ha.. It doesnt go by the weight number, as long as the restraint fits on, or the bar closes. Hope you have a great time!

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