
What is the weirdest dream you've ever had? (i know i love to ask this question. lol!)

by  |  earlier

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Ok i once had this dream that there was this bomb in this library by the beach (and i live no wear near the beach) in L.A. it was smoggy as always about 11PM at night and all this sudden everybody wanted me to dis-alarm the bomb and i was like ''ok!'' so i was like after i got to the bathroom and they were cool with that lol! So i went to the bathroom and set up this weird thing with my iPod, blackberry, bluetooth and cell phone so i did that and soon i head this beeping sound meaning the alarm was about to go off, it was really my alarm going off in real life but i thought it was part of my dream. But the whole time my alarm was going off i thought it was the bomb so i was like ok this bomb is gonna never go off finnally i dis-alarmed it and i fell threw the the floor and landed in the boiler room and the muppets were in the basemet saying it was my birthday! It wasnt my birthday but i played along so i could have some fun. Then soon my crush came and we got in a very soap-oprea-y fight and i slapped him and said like "Just shut up and kiss me already!" and we started making out. And soon the whole town came and put me in the news and said i saved the town libary now everybody can read!





    My dreams are weird =) Last night I dreamed I was a Jedi lol....NERD!

  2. Yeah I get weird dreams like that where something is happening drastically like your bomb incident and then the dream turns around out of no where to a different subject like your muppets. Last night I dreamed I bought a used car off my friend Miguel who I haven't talked to in forever. He had bought the car off someone else for cheaper and fixed it up. The car was one of the newer dodge challenger srt 08 I believe. And i was thinking finally I have a car to get to school but wouldn't gas cost a lot. Then I thought oh whatever it will probably get the same mpg as my brother's car. And I thought how could I afford it because it cost about 40,000$ and I was just happy I had a car.

  3. I once had a dream that was exceptionally weird.

    I was being stalked, receiving death threats etc and from what I do remember, I walked into the bathroom to have a shower and it was dark and I was slightly panicky at being alone.

    I made my way to the cubicle I normally shower in and there's a man dressed up in a Big Bird suit with a knife, smiling sadistically at me and asking me if I want to play a game.

    It was so freaky at the time and I guess it was because I didn't know who was behind the disguise, but now I think about it and laugh lol.  

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