
What is the weirdest or nastiest thing you have ever seen someone eat while drunk?

by Guest59597  |  earlier

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My ex and I ordered pizza once and when we were finished we put the box on the coffee table and let the cat eat from the scraps in the box.

Then my exes drunk friend stopped by. We were all three sitting on the couch and the friend opened the pizza box and starting eating the leftovers in the pizza box - after the cat had been walking around in there and eating off the scraps (and he had not been long out of the litter box). My ex and I just looked at one another and it was all we could do to keep from laughing.

Another time someone I knew mistakenly picked up a beer can that some guy was using using as a spit can, and took a big swig from it.

What about you?




  1. I watched a guy opening beer bottles with his teeth all night once, does that count? Every now and then he would mutter something about "I ain't descended from no ****ing ape."

  2. cockroaches :)

  3. My friend once tried to make a dog food sandwich when she was drunk, and I saw a man eat another man's bogey on tv last week...

    That was truly horrible!

  4. I'm gonna have to go w/ my BF's stupid friend who downed a whole bottle of syrup on a dare. Stupid Stupid Stupid people out there I tell ya.  

  5. me, hahahahahaha

  6. 3 day old Mc Donalds french fries out of my friends frys. It was his truck and his food so he knew how old they were!

    Ive also see the same kid eat dog food, and a frozen sausage other times while drunk. nasty

  7. I tied to stop a guy from using a Styrofoam cup that another guy had used repaeatedly to spit chewing tobacco in. It was empty, but stained and gross but he drank out of it anyway. After he finished I told him why it was stained. He ran out he door looking pale.

  8. Ew..that is gross. Lol.

    I'd have to say lasgana. Your probably thinking 'um ok'...but have you ever seen it when it comes back up along with a little over half of a 24 pack of Budwiser? Ya. Not pretty.  

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