
What is the weirdest piece of information someone has told you?

by  |  earlier

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I was once told by a colleague he had a low sperm count, interesting. Not to me.




  1. ...IOC president Rogge is bullying Bolt for his actions before and after his events...and Bolt ignored him and said the people want a show....

  2. lol random guy in a bar 1 night told me ''you know everytime you blink somewhere on this earth somebody dies'' makes me feel like so a murderer haha

  3. I get people telling me bizarre facts as ideas as quiz questions all the time and a lot of them are total b*llocks.

  4. I once dated a girl who told me, "I'm after your soul".  

  5. No one ever actually told me this, and it is merely a possibility, but you asked;

    The universe as we know it comprises only a small part of the true magnitude of reality, as such, this physical universe that we can interact with is merely a part of a much greater, much more massive whole.

  6. My boyfriend told me that the size of your eyeball is exactly the same length as the space between both your eyes.

    I wish there was a way to measure it, as i don't think it is true..although that could be a yahoo question in itself!

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