
What is the weirdest thing that has happened when you have started to fall asleep while driving?

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One time my buddies wouldn't do their fair share of driving from San Antonio to Indy. Instead of pulling over when I got tired, I kept driving. Eventually I started hallucinating. I saw a guy running next to the car while I was going 70mph. I also saw a police roadblock in front of me and started braking, but there was nothing there. I even waited for the light to change at a four way stop (when there was no light). I am glad to be alive!




  1. your the people that cause accidents due to drowsiness, your lucky to be alive, and dont make that mistake again. your car can also kill other people you know! its not that hard, stop being "happy" you drove so tired, and pull off the road and get some ZZZZ's!

  2. I was driving the 60 mile drive home from work one night. I passed a car and I noticed the guardrails were slowly coming out into the road. I realized I had to turn the steering wheel to make them stop. They didn't bother me after that..

    From then on, I pulled over to sleep when I got tired.

  3. I saw somebody running along the side of the car too while going about 80.  I pulled over to a rest stop and took a nap.

  4. I had the experience of crashing head on into a huge tree at 100 mph. I may have been killed since I have not remembered anything since.

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