
What is the wheather like in Sicily in early April?

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What is the wheather like in Sicily in early April?




  1. Here is some info. I am also giving you a web site to visit to read more.



    Weather during the spring semester will require both cold and warm weather clothing. Most of the rain falls in the winter and spring months from the end of October until about the middle of April. Even during the late winter and early spring when the days are sunny and pleasant, it can get quite cold during the days and evenings, especially in Ortigia located on the sea front. January and February are cold and the best months for skiing Mount Etna. Heating is expensive in Italy, so be sure to bring enough warm clothing to keep you warm inside and out. Slippers are a great idea for lounging in your apartment. From April to the end of the term, the weather can get quite hot and summer-like.

  2. someone still have a seabath even a couple of weeks ago so that means that the weather it's possibly hot and sunny as all the mediterranean area.

  3. i live in malta now (which is 60 miles below sicily) usually the weather that time of year is absolutely fantastic. you may get some rain but its usually around 70 degrees and nice and sunny, with lovely cool evenings

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