
What is the white sediments in some water that is cloudy at first then settles and disappears?

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when I fill a glass of water, it is cloudy, but after a while it clears. What is this white stuff and where does it go?




  1. Your  water is just aerated. As you had opened the facet you released the water from inside the pressurized pipe. The air that was in solution with the water is released from this reduction of pressure. It is just like opening a carbonated drink.

  2. Air molecules mixed up and then they dissapear and also some chlorine that will quickly evaporate.  These are guesses only.

  3. It's fluoride in the tap water and the oxygen being pushed into the cup creating a cloudy appearance. After the tiny oxygen bubbles rise and are rid of, the water is clear again. Don't worry, fluoride is fine for you. It protects your teeth!

  4. If it's what I get sometimes it's not sediment, it's tiny little microbubbles.  Get a magnifying glass and look at your fresh run glass of water and you'll probably see them.

  5. If it leaves a residue on the bottom of a glass when it "settles", then it is sand or clay. If it just disappears, then it was air bubbles.  

  6. Bubbles?

  7. salt softener if you use a well or it's the natural minerals in the tap water. you'll be fine if you have a well

    if you use city then call the public water service (utilities) and tell them your problem.   it maybe natural minerals in your tap

  8. calcium/lime usually hard water. Takes a little like bleach

    it is soluble and mixes with the water.

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