
What is the wierdest paranormal thing that has happened to you?

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What is the wierdest paranormal thing that has happened to you?




  1. hm.... the most recent thing is about a few days ago.i work in a nursing home so things  kinda happen alot there. we all knew  the lady would pass eventually but the day  it happened was sudden. and i felt a chilly breeze go  thru me and a few  hrs later we were  told she had  passed. but ive  always  had certain  feelings or just an  odd moment at times in my life  where  things  just dont seem right or i get tingle  or a shudder when listening to people. or sometimes my husband or i will think of something and the other Will say or  do it.

  2. The weirdest thing, in light of the "fact" that ghosts exist, is that I've *never* had a paranormal experience.

  3. finding yahoo answers, bunch of really weird people in here, almost paranormal.

  4. Lol...Just about every day in my life since I was 4 years old.

    There's waaaay too much to list.....and you'd think I was a total fruitcake if I did.

  5. my friends house

    is about 200 years old

    it really doesnt look like it

    but it is

    and i have these feelingss

    i can tell if something "unearthly"

    is near.

    its like a pressure

    on my body

    well anyways

    we went upstairs to her room


    she didnt tell me that her house was


    but i could tell there was something there

    i helped her clean her room

    so that we could go to a show

    and when we made the beds

    we went down stairs to get something to drink

    we cam back up and there was this imprint in the comforter of her bed.

    at first i thought the dog came up there

    but i could tell that the imprint was moving

    it was like a sleeping child getting up

    and i could feel that pressure

    after a few seconds

    we felt a wave of chilled air pass us.

    we weere scared out of our wits.

  6. When I was young, a man and woman used to visit me in my room. They were gentle and comforting. The woman would sit on my bed (impressions appeared in mattress). Once the man gave my head a playful nudge. It startled me, but did not scare me. They were dressed in 19th century work clothing.

    Many years later, I learned that the land on which I had lived was part of a former slave plantation.

    I cannot discuss this with my family. They have never believed me.

  7. “I was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking.  We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when  my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack and shortly after she had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bedat night on a daily basis.”


    Lead Investigator

    T.H.E. P.R.O.S.

    Team Hunting Evidence of Paranormal Research Occurrences Society

    *please sign the guestbook*

  8. Nothing persay that I recall. I do remember being really freaked while driving at night along highway 95 and having the impression that there was somebody like following along outside the car, but when I look there's nothing there.

  9. i really dont know where to start, i think in Italy i experienced the strangest things that ive ever seen... we had workmen digging deep down under the road, when we asked them for some dirt, to make our pot plants for our balcony..when we left the dirt out on the balcony that night, we had a demon materialize in our home, from looking back at that night, it was a Residual haunting, i really dont think he knew we were there, and went about his own business all night...(i wont go into detail) we were terrifyed, and soon as the sun came up, we took the dirt back and threw it back into the hole, ..we never saw him again.. that night alone has had me intrigued till doing alot of research on that area before i return there, im fasinated by what happened....

    there are also alot of time loops in towns in Italy, Locals find themselves in loops quite alot, specially off the beaten path, this i discovered would walk home, along a narrow path, only to find your self lost, then back track back to the main square, and start all over again walking down the same path, but this time you end up home.... the locals in Italy all know of these phenonemens happening but will refuse to talk about it, as they believe, you are asking for trouble, when spoken about, and they would rather turn a blind eye to it......

    thats enough about italy......

    angels.. i started seeing sparks of bright light in 2003, they would be quite noticable, but wasnt sure what was causing them or what was going on..this was inside the house.. the first night my friend was home with me, i had not mentioned them to her at all...we were both sitting in the lounge watching tv, when all of a sudden the biggest spark lit up right in between us... we both jumped away from it at the same time, and they continued all night, it was a bit puzzeling, and the fact we were both seeing them shocked me a little, when i moved out ( i was there only for a short stay) she never saw them again, and i did, still to this day...there was one night i stayed at my mums for a little bit, i was in my room, quite upset over something sitting on my bed, with the window open, when all of a sudden the biggest brightest white light, flew through my window across my bed, (it lit up my whole room) and through the house, my step father was in the front lounge, he had just woken up minutes before, when he saw it to, it flew through the lounge and out the window...the next day when i mentioned it, he said yes i saw it to, but wasnt sure what to say about it, i asked him what time, he saw it, and sure enough it was the same time, at 4 am....after that ive had so many other angelic experiences...... angels are beings of white light

    there was this one period, when my best buddy died in 2002, this is when most of the activity started really happening, i was not prepared for what was about to happen, i was in great danger, evil people were baiting me for his information, (my friend who died), i had walked into many traps, and the wierdest things were happening to get me out and back to safety, every photo that was taken of me, with these people in it, bright orange lights would appear always between me and them, even on my polariod camera, the photos were stolen off me ( i really regret that ) i was taken out in the middle of no where, they owned an old pub miles from anything, on the way there you have to fill up with gas, to make it there and then back to the nearest petrol station...30 klm,s away.... when i managed to escape, i jumped into that car, i knew it was on empty, and i had no money, i was that worried, i knew i couldnt get home, the gas was on the bottom of the red, then to my surprise, a calming feeling came over me, the gauge of the gas went up to just below this day i do not know how.. deep down i knew my friend was withy me... i knew there was no money in the car, but to my surprise, something gave me the feeling to look in the middle part, where i found just enough money to get me home ( 4 hours drive).... then an hours drive from home, where i was going, the person had made a phone call to some other people who were told to go and wait for me, for when i got there, an hour out of the city, the car broke down, and i spent about 8 hours broken down, i was so mad, but now when i look back i was so blessed...there was nothing wrong with the car, i just got jumped started and i was off again..... so many other strange things happened, stranger than what ive written here... i have been truelly blessed

  10. I would have to say, this is recent but I'm not sure its the weirdest, but its up there in the top 3 of weirds. I have pictures developed from the hospital when I had my newest son. Well 95% of the pics didnt come out well. And there in the midst of all the pics, is one of me holding the baby in my hospital bed. In the picture there is smoke. Like cigarette smoke. No one can figure out where it came from, but I think its the babies great uncle, for whom he is named letting us know he's here watching over his namesake!!! But my weirdest thing, come to think of it.. just went graveyard hopping on a full moon. There was a black shadow that I saw as well as my friends did too. But I was the first to say, hey did you guys see that or was it just me. They fessed up that they saw it also, just in a different area & at different times then me. But from that moment on, we were outa there & off to the next shadowless cemetary. Theres mine!

  11. I had a friend contact me in a dream after she was murdered to tell me she was okay.

  12. My frined Don said, think of a city. I thought of the USA map and picked a city in the middle.

    I thought really hard, Ohmaha, Ohmaha.

    30 sec later Don said, "Is it Ohmaha?"

    (Note: We lived a thousand miles away from Ohmaha. It was an insignificant city to us)

  13. Can't think of anything right now except what I already just said question about living in haunted houses. But what somebody just said...about somebody beside him when he was driving. This Christian couple who were writers in a book told where they were flying in an airplane and both of them saw angels flying beside them. Anybody remember this? Can't remember their names.

  14. I had a dream three or four days before mount st helen's blew in 1980 where I was reporting on a news story, flying in a helicopter over a lake full of dead trees, mentioning that a person named Harry Truman was one of the many who had died in a disaster.

    I was a kid living in Wisconsin, and didn't even know where Mt St Helen's was until a few days later when I watched a news show about the mountain blowing it's top off.


  15. The wierdest paranormal thing, and there have been a few, was at the Myrtle's haunted plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana.  I spent the night there and my glasses mysteriously appeared deep down between the mattress and the foot board.  Totally unexplained. That was in 1993.

  16. Nothing weird really. With the paranormal weird is normal isn't it? I mean seeing a full body apparition and hearing him speak is convincing enough to believe for me. That was thirty five  years ago.


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