
What is the winning strategy for horse race betting?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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horse race betting is an instant money minting sports betting, but one needs to bet in the right way to yield monetary benefits from horse races. Can you highlight your secret winning strategy for horse race betting?




  1. How to win at horse racing: (Strategy, plan, tactics, method, system, technique.)

    The challenge of betting on horses is to collect and analyze information and then make a sound judgement on what to bet on, what type of bet to place and how much. To create an opportunity to be a winner, you need to take into account three main factors, analyze them and act on your findings accordingly. These are:

       1. The odds offer (Price)
       2. The value of the odds (overpriced or underpriced?)
       3. The type of bet (single, multiple, combination, etc.)

    The odds offer has to be at least 2:1 to make it worthwhile. If necessary, choose a selection with a slightly higher risk to prop up the price.

    The value of the odds must be such that the sportsbook's commission is to a minimum, if at all. Some selections get 'steamed' unnecessarily. When this happens, the 'favorite' price lengthens. Take advantage of those situations.

    Three type of bets seem to stand out as a sensible combination to use because they are simple, not too difficult to win and have good winning potential: the Straight bet, the Doubles and the Future.

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