
What is the wiser course to take, psychology or social work?

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People are giving me different opinions and I dunno which one to choose- whether psychology or social work. What is the wiser choice and why?




  1. You need to do psychology first ...on the other hand social work would have some units of psychology (absolutely necessary in that line of work) Do some more research ...see a careers expert to see if you are suited to this type of work.

    Good Luck

  2. You don't say at what level.

    BA level - social work by far - it pays better (there are no jobs for a BA in psychology - it actually opens doors (BA in psych you are competing with every other BA) - it allows for more options.

    MA level - generally social work - it is more versatile - pays better, more opportunities.  The only exception is if you only want to do counseling - social work focuses on much more and this may not be of interest to you - also social work has a social justice feel.

    PhD level - generally psych - the PhD in social work is mostly for research and teaching.  PhD in psych is the major clinical degree.


  3. Here is Canada, it is definitely social work because there are very few jobs for psychologists. But I don't know in US or elsewhere. I recommend you looking at the opportunities right now for each subject and you can make a good guess on what could happen in the future.

    Wish you all the best!

  4. do some research, I think generally psychology  is more higher level and well paid. Depends how into psychology you are. What interests you. Listen to others but take your own advices.

  5. depends on many things:

    the course at your college/uni/school/wherever, if the teachers not good at their job, it doesnt matter what you work, go with the teacher you feel inspires you, if both do, then theres the next question:

    what do you want to do with it? think about that, then find people in your chosen field and ask them which would be most helful for the subject

    Then look at the course, see what the moduals are and how you feel about them, which interests you the most.

    And lastly, what are the grades for the previous years? go with the better grade results.

  6. The wiser course to take is the one which your most interested. it is easier to learn a subject which you are truly interested in. try to find out as much information about each course, along with the teaching style of the institution where you intend to study. Check out the success rate of their past pupils and how satisfied they have been with the results, along with the career prospects

  7. you'll need a masters degree in either one to make a decent  living.   So , are you willing to work for a masters degree ...

             The wiser choice is ... the one you are most interested in.

  8. psychology because it pays better.  I've been in social work for almost a dozen years and don't know if I can continue much longer.  Having said that though, there's a huge monetary difference between working for the government and working in the private sector.  Government pays better.

  9. Same kind of people do those jobs. Both hippies who feel self righteous. If you want to listen to neurotics all day who think they're hard done by do psychology.

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