
What is the wisest think you have heard?

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What is the wisest think you have heard?

Back by popular demand as I have received about 20 mails about this question, and many stars on the philosophy section posting so here it is again.

What is the wisest think you have heard?

Anything you have been told about anything.

What made it wise?

How is wisdom gained?

What was this saying referring too?

As always I ask this with Metta

(((((may all gain insight)))))

Thank you for answering




  1. i know its such a cliche but

    "what goes around comes around" is so wise and true

    "don't count your chicken's until they've hatched"

    "life, it's pretty much all we've got"

  2. My favorite saying is:

    "A willing heart finds a thousand reasons why, an unwilling heart finds a thousand reasons why not".

    I think this one is very nice because its the truth!

    If you want something its easy to finds a thousand reasons why you like it, and if you have to do something you don't want to do its easy to find thousand reasons( or excuses ) why you cant do it or have the time to do it.

  3. Two things:  1.  "To study the self is to forget the self."

    2.  "I am nothing concievable or perceivable"

  4. Now is the only moment we have.

    It is true.

    Widom is gained by acknowledging all the many past mistakes we have made and by learning from each of them.

    I think the maxim by which I try to live does away with the futility of regretting and reliving the " if only"s of the past.

    It also protects us from the worry of the future which may never be. NOW is the time to live.

    Another by-product is that you actually pay attention to what is happening in the present moment. That increases our communication skills and brings about surprisingly satisfying  encounters even when we only say "Good morning" to a passer-by on our way to the shops.

    Try it. Each moment is unique.

  5. I am following each and every thought  said by Lord Krishna in Shrimad Bhagvad Gita in my entire life.Then there is no any requirement of seeing or hearing any thought.In my opinion you should also read that holy book  to clear any confusion any query.

  6. An answer brings no illumination unless the question has matured to a point where it gives rise to this answer which thus becomes its fruit. Therefore, learn how to put a question.

    -Ancient Egyptian Proverb

  7. "Love conquers all".  It is wise because God said it.  It is the solution to every problem in the world.  Forget about yourself and just love others.

    It's not about you!

  8. live for today

    tomorrow is too depressing to think about

  9. The Golden Rule

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, basically treat others as you want to be treated.

    Our world would be a much different place if everyone followed this simple concept.

  10. For Mission and Don't Call. Please do not travel outside of the United States given your rule. Americans are notorious for going to other countries and expecting everyone else to speak English. News for you!

    My favorite saying is "don't believe everything you think."

  11. "small steps truly can bring about the biggest changes in our lives..."

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