
What is the word BNC part number stand for? and what type of the material that they used?

by Guest33334  |  earlier

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I'm doing some small modification on light aircraft and found this part number. I want to know the type of material they used and this is the first time i came across with this part number eg. BNC with hatch numbers. I used to work with Alclad 2024 or 7075 alloy. The material came from National Butler Incorporation (Avcon Industries) USA. Can any american friend help me!!! God bless USA




  1. It may have some significant reference to aircraft aluminum in Europe or elsewhere but not in the USA that I know of.

    I have been in aviation maintenance in  the USA for 40+ years and have never seen any BNC reference, other than a chemical one, to aircraft aluminum.  The reference I saw was in a scientific paper and related to some kind of chemical interactions within certain aluminum compositions.  It was way over my head so I paid little attention to it.

    On the other hand the BNC connector is a standard in the electronics industry and in aviation.  BNC stands for Bayonet Neill Concelman, Inc.  This is the company that developed a specific type of a universally used electronic connector for coax cable.

  2. .Well it is a electrical connection. Used for connecting coax to something (radio, antenna, etc) but I'm sure it has many more meanings

  3. british naval connection?

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