
What is the word for "handsearch" In German?

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I will need to go thru airport security Thursday and I need to request a hand search because I have a pacemaker. What would be the proper phrase?

Ich möchte ....




  1. Touch one hand to your heart and say:

    Hertz - Shrit - Marker

    However, for instatement as security personnel at German Airports, the capability of communicating in the English language is a prerequisite, so don't worry.

  2. Think you need a medical certificate that you have a 'Herzschrittmacher'.

    ''If you use a heart pacemaker, shunt or other relief valve (e.g., for hydrocephalus) , you should tell the screening staff before walking through the metal detector.''

  3. Well pacemaker in German is 'Schrittmacher' (sch=sh)

    so to start you could say:

    Ich habe einen Schrittmacher und möchte gerne untersucht werden.

    That could be understood as something someone would say if they wanted to be examined by a doctor, but in this case, they would understand it as a request for  a handsearch.

    hope that helps mate. have a good flight! ;)

  4. It's best if you tell them about the pacemaker beforehand. So you could say: "Ich habe einen Herzschrittmacher. Könnten Sie mich bitte per Hand durchsuchen?" ( I have a pacemaker. Could you please search me by hand?) Most of the time, if they hear you have a pacemaker, they'll know what to do, anyway.

    Have a fun trip!

  5. I need to be hand searched because I have a pacemaker.

    Ich muss die gesuchte Hand sein, weil ich einen Schrittmacher  habe

    I hope to have been helpful.

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