
What is the words they say at a wedding ?

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What is the words they say at a wedding ?




  1. It really depends on what type of wedding you want!  If you want a quick one then you do the basics..

    We are gathered here today to witness such and such marry so and so.  

    Marraige is a bond that should not be broken.  

    Such and such do you take so and so

    to have and to hold

    to love and respect and cherish

    through sickness and in health

    until death do you part?

    Then you reverse that.

    Then if you have a part where such and such or so and so speak and tell each other what they think of them.

    Then the priest judge notary public whoever does the rings.

    Just so you know....a wedding is what you make it.  I knew I would be too teary and shaky to say all those the person who wedded us did all the speaking and all I had to say was I do.

    It was very simple but lovely.  

    We were married barefoot on the beach where I grew up.

    So if you two are planning a marraige, you should sit down and discuss what it is you want said and done.  I have been to very elaborate weddings where the mothers were given a rose by the bride and groom and where they light candles...and all kinds of things.

    If you are being married by a priest, or rabbi...then maybe you should discuss with them how they do it and what they offer.

    Good luck...I love my husband dearly and would not change a thing.


  2. The full script...

  3. the links and words that people say are pretty much it but it depends on the minister.  

    Our minister was very long winded, very.  It was my father-in-law and that is just the way he is.  We are lucky that it wasn't even longer.  He didn't say the speak now or forever hold your peace part though (I think he was afraid his wife might pull a Marie Barone off Everybody Loves Raymond but he did add the 'obey' after I specifically asked him not to (as I want to take my vowels seriously and am not a very obedient person) which I was a little ticked about.

  4. Its the wedding vows

  5. Most say "i do" at the end, of course some such as myself at the last minute realise this is not the person i truly want and simply say NO!

  6. Your wedding vows but they are not set in stone and most of the time you are allowed to personalise them with prior agreement  

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