
What is the work environment?

by Guest56092  |  earlier

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for a preschool teacher




  1. and all the germs.....make em wash hands alot

  2. Fun to interact with the students. You can make a great impression on them.  They can really learn from your teachings.

  3. always be carm ,making children happy ,

    teaching children from right to wrong the carm was ,hygiene environment is important alot ,

    find out the policies where you work or where your child goes to school

  4. I have been a preschool and daycare teacher for 9 years, including owning my own daycare/preschool.  I'll be honest with you.  It is HARD.  In addition to the fun learning activities, adorable children, neat crafts, teaching, influencing a child's life, you get to deal with parents (some who are easy going, some  who are uptight and expect perfection from the child or you), the throw-up, the tantrums, the fights, the co-worker drama (which is abundant in nearly every preschool setting because you are working with emotionally involved women (usually) who are passionate about their work and may get a little dramatic at times, especially when they are going through burn-out).

    Your work doesn't end at work.  You take your work home with you and worry if your kids (because they do become your kids) have enough food at night, or enough love at home.  You spend alot of time planning the PERFECT activity for the kids.

    You become involved not only with your hands, and your words, but with your love, and devotion.

    Sometimes it's necessary to devote a whole Saturday to the cleaning or rearranging of your room, or to further education in the early childhood department, or to CPR and First Aid if it's required, which it should be in a good preschool.

    This is the work environment.  It's all the good, the bad, and the ugly of working with children.  And it's absolutely fantastic and I would do it all over again forever.

  5. The Classroom.  The Kids.  The Clay.  The Desks. The Crayons.  The Chairs.  The Toys.  The Games, ect.


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