
What is the world's biggest problem?

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What is the world's biggest problem?




  1. People believing in corrupt governments and following religion, and not accepting people for who they are. People accepting what they are told without questioning the validity, and also not worrying about cleaning up their messes and letting other people clean up for them.

  2. We are all selfish and also money is the world's biggest problem.  

  3. The human mind that looks for certainty and equality even as difference and uncertainty are the inviolable norms in this universe. All problems arise since we reject and revolt against the universal norms rather than accept and conform to them......... we try to act bigger than the nature and pay the inevitable price for our arrogance.

  4. selfish , ignorant , poeple who cant handle power

    and pure ignorance

  5. Lust is the biggest problem in the world. Every human alive decides everything on lust. The human thought process is based on "get". When one does something, they always think about what they can get out the situation. For example, let's look at this question. The basic instinct of asking a question is to find out information to better your own personal situation or how to ask the "perfect" question. This is mainly a random question, for it doesn't ask for personal knowledge because your opinion has already set the answer for you. This question was asked to find out what other people think and how it compares to your own thought process. The answers are even selfish, either the person answering wants to give the best possible answer to show intelligence or to see if they can have the same answer as you or a better answer than your own thought process. Every person on earth is guilty of lust. Lusting after something you don't have. Everyone wants the better religion, the largest amount of money, better looks or whatever and this selfishness causes humans to have c**k fights. To prove yourself. So every underlining problem of the world, like war, hunger, financial issues, global scales of issues is because our greed to be the best. Our selfish lust after the greatest

  6. idk in my opinion it is hte fact that humans in so many cases fail to see that we are all humans and try to put themselves in the place of other people and try to see from their perspective.  Thats just a little something i guess.... that is a tough question becuase there are like a thousand different answers such as hunger, pollution, global warming, but uve all heard of those no doubt.

  7. Seriously? Humanity.

    Actually, it depends on what you mean by "the world". If you mean people, then, um...yes, we are still our greatest enemy. The amount of damage done by human greed far outweighs all natural evil. If you mean the planet and animals etc, then yes, humans are the bane of the world.

  8. Fanatic religious people. IE; they don't mind for the world to end to prove that their bible was correct!   peace

  9. Hunger hunger and only hunger


  11. This quetion is one of the biggest problem.

  12. biggest problem i find the world has is this

    we have a death ear to the lies and blind eyes to the truth


    the men/women in control of countrys want/or supports more power

  13. Poverty and Hate

  14. Two problems:

    1) too many people

    2) In western societies, too much rampant individualism

  15. Global warming and f**cking our world

    Okay poverty, war, ignorance all are really bad problems but if theres no earth or its destroyed then its not really relevant is it?

  16. either apathy or ignorance

  17. The delusion of freedom and the fanatical obsession with democracy and happiness.

    And rats... yeah, those vermin killed a lot.

  18. money don't split equally, many people is poor as dirt while some others are filthy rich

  19. Pride.  If only we were all humble...

  20. War.  

  21. equality and justice for all

  22. Whiners.

  23. 'Ignorance' is the biggest problem.

    All other problems arise only because of ignorance.

  24. Selfishness and Pride.  They go hand in hand.  Every problem can be followed back to one person being selfish and prideful.  

  25. Prejudice, people always make assumptions before meeting someone before hand and actually getting to know who they really yet we praise the dead. Hence deceased musicians, artists and authors.

    I feel if everyone were to smile, laugh and be kind to everyone

    This world would be a better place  

  26. i could never know what is the biggest problem, i could only assume that the lack of money and the feeling of boredom always affects everybody.

  27. Not enough love, compassion, and empathy. I think most of the world's problems would be solved if everyone cared as much about other people as they do about themselves.

    If everyone treated others the way the would like to be treated, we could not do some of the things we do. There are so many people, children and adults, starving for love. Many of those who do great harm to people, do so because as children they were not given love and were instead treated cruelly. As a result, they never develop compassion and instead seek power and wealth in a doomed attempt to feel valued.

    If we had more compassion, there would still be natural disasters and sickness, but there would not be wars or exploitation.

  28. Humans ability to destroy everything we build or love.

  29. human existence. purpose for our existence, why the h are we living in earth anyways?!

  30. Irresponsibility.  Hence, the waste, the decay, the destruction of our home and the murder of our fellow human being.

  31. This is what many people think of the others "My race is greatest, my culture is greatest, my God is greatest and so on my many things are greatest." And I believe this is the only problem which is the root of all the problems. Believing that someone him/herself or his/her society is "Superior" than the others.

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