
What is the world's most deadliest animal?

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What is the world's most deadliest animal?




  1. Humans, without question. Have you ever seen any other animal with a machine gun or a nuclear bomb?

    In response to Steve C's answer, a few points:

    The black mamba is NOT the second most venomous snake. There are many snakes in Australia far more venomous. The black mamba is not even the snake responsible for the most human deaths - that dubious honour goes to the Indian cobra.

    The great white shark is NOT the largest shark in the world. The whale shark, which is a harmless filter feeder, is the world's largest shark (and indeed the largest fish). The great white is not the most dangerous shark to people, either - the bull shark is. It has attacked far more people than great whites have.

    Whilst the green anaconda is indeed the largest snake in the world, there are no proven accounts of it ever eating a person. Neither it nor the reticulated python, which reaches similar lengths and is known to have eaten children and even very small adults, can swallow a normally-sized adult human - the width of our shoulders makes it impossible. Nor do anacondas ambush their prey from trees - they weigh up to 550lb, which makes them too heavy to be effective climbers. They are largely aquatic, spending most of their time in water, which helps support their bulk - they often ambush their prey from the water. They also do not kill their prey by breaking its back. They are constrictors, meaning that they coil around their prey and tighten each time the prey breathes out, until it can no longer draw breath and suffocates.

  2. The Mosquito

    Most skeeter bites just make you itch. But some mosquitoes carry and transfer malaria causing parasites. As a result, these little pests are responsible for the deaths of more than two million people a year.

  3. i am i'm a beast (true but) your probably looking for an answer well the most deadly or most effective, um i would have to say the komodo dragon it is about 9 feet long and insanely powerful doesn't kill much  but is very deadly

  4. Humans are the deadliest animals on Earth, but I don't think that you were actually looking for that as an answer.

    Before we can say what animal is the deadliest, we need to evaluate the criteria for the deadliest animal. For example, are we looking at the assurance of death when you encounter the animal? The toxicity of the venom? The size of the animal? The aggressive nature of the animal?

    In fact, I think if one were to evaluate these criteria, they would still find it terribly difficult to choose one animal.

    The polar bear is pure predator. The nature of its existence is to eat anything that moves, including other polar bears. I have worked with diamond miners in Northern Canada that claim to have lost friends to polar bears, and I don't doubt them.

    Hippopotami are territorial and massive. They have been known to flip boat loads of people and then crush them for the simple fact that they are in the hippo's part of the river.

    The black mamba is considered the second most venomous snake in the world (after the sea snake) and has the added luxury of being the most aggressive snake in the world. The black mamba is extremely fast, angry, and at 2-3m in length, they can pack a wallop of a bite.

    The great white shark is the largest shark in the world, and is an ambush predator with razor sharp teeth. The great white shark has killed people in one bite by ripping them in half as it attacked them from underneath.

    The anaconda is the largest snake in the world, and has been known to eat men and small livestock. The anaconda employs an attack where it sits in the trees of the Amazon rainforest and waits for prey to walk below. As the prey walks past, the anaconda falls from the tree, breaking the back of its prey under the weight of 10+m of snake. The snake then suffocates the prey and digs in.

    Saltwater crocodiles are also ambush predators, but the salty uses its size as well as surprise to hunt. Crocodiles have mouths that are extremely easy to keep shut (You can hold one shut with two fingers, easily), but that are virtually impossible to open. Once these teeth are clamped onto you, the crocodile then performs what is called a "death roll" where it rolls over repeatedly, ripping your flesh and limbs off as it does.

    So you see, it is hard to decide what is the deadliest animal aside from human beings.

    Any of those above could be considered for the title, and there are even more that I haven't mentioned...

    I know that didn't really answer your question, but I'm confident that you could choose most of those above and make a case for it.

  5. I agree with the other answers but one that I saw a show about was this weird shell thing that lives in the beaches on Australia or something and it has a poisonous barb that kills unsuspecting tourists. Just watch out when you go to Australia that's all I'm saying

  6. Ah, humans.  C'mon.  That was easy.

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