
What is the world coming to.....?

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What is the world coming to.....?




  1. An end read the book of revelations

  2. Stop asking me questions. I am reading the Book of Relations.

  3. it's only going to get worse.

  4. I believe its coming to Monday or, depending on where you are, Tuesday.  


  6. the world is doing what it's always done  ... change,  which might mean "an end" to some while it means "a beginning" for others and "nothing at all"  for yet others..

  7. ... my party? there'll be free treats and music and lots of the coolest people... but if you puke on the floor, you have to clean it up yourself. with your tongue...

  8. Obama, death  

  9. War with Iran in the next year or so. Whether or not Obama gets elected.

  10. Its coming to its end. The end of Satan being the ruler. And boy he is working over time to take as many with him as possible.

    Let me make myself CLEAR!! The wicked being distroyed. NOT the world.

  11. Where Can You Turn with Confidence?

    Is there anything one can turn to with confidence to guide his life correctly? Who can show us the right direction to guarantee our future happiness?

    There is a proverb in the Bible that says: “Where there is no vision [or, “revelation”] the people go unrestrained.” (Prov. 29:18) This sound principle proves true in our day. With no clear vision of the future, no revelation to guide him, imperfect man’s blundering efforts have led to increasing troubles, bloodshed, immorality and heartache.

    Yes, mankind certainly needs vision—to see which way it is headed and what is the right course to take. Mankind needs special guidance that it cannot give itself. From where must it come? It can come only from a source higher than man. It must come from mankind’s Creator, Jehovah God. Only he knows for certain just where this world is heading and what will lead to a world free from disheartening troubles.

    This is why Jehovah’s witnesses believe that the answer to the question, “Where is this world heading?,” is to be found in the Bible and in its prophecies. In over two hundred lands of earth, millions of persons are now studying the Bible along with them. Among the things these people have heard and considered is the significance of a certain date in our time—1914. What has this date to do with our day and with your hope for the future?

  12. A screeching halt

  13. It's not THAT much different. If anything... its actually LESS violent now that Christians stopped murdering people for not believing in their religion.

  14. A end.

  15. Nearer the end.

  16. Religions have fallen as I hope.

  17. Sooner or later, judgement day.  Are you ready to stand before the righteous, and just judge who knows every thought you've ever had?  I hope so.  Please be sure.

  18. XD  Ahahahahaha! You said coming!  (Inside joke-EXTREMELY long story)

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