
What is the world today if the Ottoman Turks never seized Constantinople ?

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On 1453, Sultan Mehmed II "the Conqueror" captured the capital city Constantinople after a 53-day siege and proclaimed that the city as the new capital of his Ottoman Empire.

The empire was at the centre of interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. With Constantinople (Istanbul) as its capital city.

The Ottoman Empire was, in many respects, an Islamic successor to the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.




  1. That's a good question. The Ottoman Empire probably would not have spread as far or as quick, and WWI could have turned out much different because of that. My guess is that the Byzantine Empire would be a country, as long as the Turks did not attack the city again.

  2. i think that there would be more Armenians (because the ottomans would not be able to commit genocide.  

    there would be less muslims in eastern europe.

    the balkan peninsula would be less fragmented.

    austria would have risen to a world power and taken over prussia. that would have prevented WW2 from happening.

    soo much would be different.

  3. The impact would be more on Greece than geo-politically.

    The Ottomans HAD to conquer Constantinople, not just for its strategic location and wealth, but because they had to contend with the Greek 'Great Idea' of world domination led by Constantinople, which the Byzantines held onto till the very end; when they planned independence so that they might unite with smaller Greek-held enclaves nearby, and proceed from there....If they hadn't conquered it, even with Constantinople surrounded, they would forever have to deal with this constant threat.

    Sounds like a small threat?  Well, if Westerners knew there was an independent enclave of Christians right in the heart of the Ottoman Turks' empire, this could be forever an excuse for Western intervention; maybe even a new crusade.

    To this date, the Greeks see Istanbul as something that should be a 'Greek city', but has been 'temporarily' in foreign hands for about 600 years....If the TUrks had bypassed it, the population would continue to be mostly Greek; and the surrounding area too (Thrace) would

    probably belong to the modern nation of Greece.

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