
What is the worse job you've ever held?

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Inspired in a weird, roundabout way by Julie M.

I worked at a retail store once called Marshalls. I highly discourage everyone from working there. I worked there from the time I was 16 until I was 18 and by the time I quit I was only making $5.30 p/h. The store was located in the most crime ridden part of town(not a good choice on my part) One night, I was closing up the cash registers by myself(my boss was no where to be found) and some punk kid robbed me at gun point. I always had to clean up the pee and p**p that was smeared all over the walls(when no one else had to)he company always shorted me money on my paycheck. One night the alarm went off after closing and my boss had the nerve to ask me to stay all night in the store with a regional security guard(a male whom I had never met) and when I refused she yelled at me and told me she should fire me. lol I quit right then and there.




  1. I once worked for Grand Union (a supermarket) when I was about 19.  I was made to sweep and mop floors, and I even had to get on my knees and remove all of the huge bottles of bleach from the shelves and wipe the crusty old bleach off the shelves.  My knees did not like that, and I got bleach spots all over my new pants.  I was not allowed to wear jeans.  I also was made to get on my knees and use a little razor and scrape the baseboards that were covered in buildup from waxing the floors! I had to lug stinking garbage and throw it down the rotten garbage chute (where I broke my finger).     My manager was a complete scumrod and he never made an incident report and he always gave me the c**p jobs and he had an attitude problem.  He eventually got fired after sexually harrassing the other women there and looking up their dresses as they went up stairs.

    Another nightmare job I had was working in a kitchen in a nursing home.  My boss hired mostly her own family and she worked me extra hard while she let her family take it easy, break the rules and get away with anything bad they did.  I applied for full time but she gave me part time, and then she gave a full time spot to someone off the street instead of offering the job within first like she was supposed to.  My co-workers came in on drugs and they screwed up the meals, giving ice cream and other desserts to diabetics and didn't give them what they ordered.  Then I got stuck running to the floors bringing the correct foods to the patients, while my co-workers ran off to smoke weed in their cars.  They came in and threw garbage on the floor and spilled things just to give me more work to do.  One guy always came in late and left early and he had a co-worker clock him in at normal times so that he got full pay when he wasn't even there!  They did anything to make my job harder than it needed to be, they refused to work and they called me all kinds of foul names and one guy threw a porcelain bowl at me.  They walked around, reeking of pot,  with their pants down past their butts with their underwear showing, but my boss told me I had to wear bras (and I am NOT even large-breasted!)  Whenever I complained, my boss ignored it and gave me the runaround, but let her family do what they wanted.  Finally, I came down with strep throat and my boss insisted that I serve food to the elderly patients.  The nurse there took my temperature and sent me home.  My boss was furious with me because I could not serve food while I was sick.  When my MD took me out of work for 4 days, my boss cut  my hours down to 15 a week in retaliation.  I walked up to her and told her her family is so lazy that if they stayed home and got a paycheck for nothing it would be no different, and I quit.  For years after I had dreams of punching my boss's face in.  She was very lucky I didn't.

    This is what bosses do when they want you to quit and they don't have good enough reason to fire you.  They lie and play games with you, try to make you look incompetent or make your job a living h**l until you quit.  The reason being - once you quit, you cannot claim unemployment.  You only get unemployment if you lose your job through no fault of your own.

  2. Working front counter as a teen in a fast food restaurant for $4.50 US per hour.  Horrible experience.

  3. I worked at a Planet Smoothie that was located in the middle of this big shopping area.  It seemed like there were no customers for about five hours, then everybody and their annoying little sister came in all at once!  We got the little girls dressed in S****y clothes who wanted to grab a smoothie after seeing a 5:00 movie, the crotchety old people who didn't know what the h**l a smoothie even was but wanted the employee to explain the exact science of it while the line is out the door, the trendy guys who thought it was cool to stand around for an hour and chit chat with you to see if you might be interested in "hanging out when you get off", the manager who always thought his employees were stealing from him, etc.  That place was like my 7th layer of h**l.  Fortunately, it went under for a Ben & Jerry's!  Then again, I was only 16 at the time so I might have been ultra sensitive.  It may not have been as bad as I remember it being...I did get free smoothies after all!

  4. I worked at a call centre selling magazines. That's all you need to hear. It was MURDER.

  5. Unlike most of the other people here, my worst job didn't involve horrid working conditions. It was a lying boss and an older female co-worker who was insanely jealous of me. She managed to convince him that I was totally incompetent and I was fired.

  6. Working at sonic, though I only had a bad experience with that one store.

    I was 17, it was my first job and the manager (who was about 30-something) made the mistake of grabbing my @$$, not jokingly either as he had been making passes at me since day one, so, having had enough of his harassment, I spun around and decked him and, before he had the chance to speak, told him to take the job and shove it! I then walked out and called the owner of the Southern Louisiana chain and told him what happened, they reviewed the tapes from the security camera and fired the guy, they offered me my job back but I turned them down, I just didn't see myself wasting my time working in fast food.

  7. My first job bread crumbing sausages for a fish and chip shop 100s of them boring to this day I still don't eat crumbed sausages.

  8. When I was at school I had a job 'jellying pork pies'

    It might be difficult to explain cos America doesn't have pork pies

    In the UK we have pork pies that have a jelly inside them as a preservative - the jelly, when cooled looks gross but some people like them

    I worked on a production line and had a jelly gun that was attached to a container full of hot jelly and you poked the pie with the gun and squirted the jelly into the pie and then the pies were carted off to a massive fridge.

    So - that was my first job: Jelly-ing pork pies for eight hours a day.

  9. Wow, Christine, I've never had a job that bad!  But working in a pineapple packing factory was pretty awful ~ mostly because of the constant ear-splitting noise.  Factory workers have a very tough life.  Luckily I was able to find something less horrible very quickly.

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